Here are the notes to: All Competitions
The Goal:
- To identify ALL the techniques used by the best teams
- Why? Because knowing these tips helps you build intuition on what to do. It makes you better
Why Study Kaggle Competitions?
- Cause people have to go through the entire ml process
- People need to be considerate of computational resources
- Many people have iterated on the same problem → better ideas
- It’s a competition, so people try a lot harder to figure out what works/doesn’t
- They aren’t motivated to only show positive results. People will talk about their failures as well
- People will post their code. So if there’s something confusing, you can read the implementation to fully understand it
- Kaggle writeups are simpler to read than papers.
- Writeups will self-select important topics for you to learn more about, especially if you see it between competitions
Why Use This Resource:
- I looked at each competition holistically, scouring discussions as if I were actually competing
- I verify nuances by looking at the specific implementations (on Github/Kaggle notebooks)
General Kaggle Tips:
- Things that work for some teams (models / features) may not work for every team
- But some features / techniques always works on a problem
- Pretrained neural net embeddings are OP. Just use them, even with small datasets
- Hyperparam tuning won’t save you.
garbage features => bad predictions
- Winning teams try things that aren’t done in the public notebooks.
- Trust your CV, not your ego. Don’t get attached to implementations that should work
- The best performers typically work the smartest and put in the most work
- They’ve found a magic trick that works well
- Their iteration times are much shorter than yours
- They have amazing software tools (weights and biases, optuna)
- They also have lots of computational resources
- If the competition host has a public notebook / research paper, read it! You’ll get ideas and may notice things they didn’t see.
How to review Kaggle problems efficiently
- Read the intro
- Sort all of the notebooks by most votes (not hottest). this will usually give you an indication of what to do / what the competition is
- Fill in the objective / input / output fields in the competition template
- Learn what the objective function is! (very important)
- What are its weaknesses? Do outliers decrease its score?
- Learn what the objective function is! (very important)
- Write down what you learn in the notebook in the popular notebooks
- Start reading solution notebooks
- Make sure you read the comments section, because that is where ppl point out important techniques
Finding worthwhile competitions to look at
- look for competitions for problem types you haven’t solved before
- look for competitions with a high leaderboard shake-up
- Shakeup occurs when most people have a poor cross validation, but some people have amazing CV
- you can learn how to create a GOOD CV faster by looking at these competitions
- You can also learn unconventional opinions that are against majority opinion
- Here’s a list of competitions with high shakeup
- Shakeup occurs when most people have a poor cross validation, but some people have amazing CV
- If you want to search for winning solutions using a specific technique, Google:
kaggle 2nd place solution cyclic learning rate
- and iterate your search query from
, etc.
- and iterate your search query from
Navigation Tips
cmd + k
to search for anything
Obsidian Tips
- cmd + shift + leftarrow to select entire line until the bullet (before deleting)
- here’s how to resize images:
![[Pasted image 20240129154843.png|400]]
Cool resources:
- (has an exhaustive list of all competitions)
- this is good cause they have tags on the types of competitions
- a cool resource for general ML