
Problem Type: semantic segmentation

Input: 3D scans of the papyrus

  • it’s hard cause ink may penetrate different depths of the paper
  • Since it’s 3D and high res, the dataset is also massive
  • These 3D scans are surface volumes:
  • The output should be binary, with 0 indicating “no ink” and 1 indicating “ink”.
    • I’m not sure if this is a 2D (x,y) or 3D (x,y,z) output

Eval Metric:

  • F0.5 Score
    • This weights precision higher than recall, which improves the ability to form coherent characters out of detected ink areas.


Important notebooks/discussions


  • Image segmentation uses a decoder + encoder
    • spend more time on the encoder
    • smaller decoders are good enough
  • ppl didn’t find that much success with test time augmentation (tta). If they did, it was either only 1 or 2 augmentations.