Temporal Fusion Transformers for Interpretable Multi-horizon Time Series Forecastin 1912.09363.pdf (arxiv.org)

  • the main thing is that this model tries to predict for more than one time horizon
    • rather than predicting only the next timestep, it predicts further ahead
  • it uses GRN layers (Gated Residual network) to perform nonlinear operations
    • it’s just a small layer that is used everywhere to sprinkle nonlinearity
  • it does selection of features to use automatically via the Variable selection networks
    • it removes unimportant / noisy features so the model can predict easier
    • Here’s how the Variable Selection Network / Layer works:
      • all of the features go into individual GRN layers (left side)
      • but all of the features are ALSO concatenated into one giant feature vector and go into another GRN (the right one, with the softmax)
      • we finally multiply the output of the softmax by the feature outputs of the GRN
        • so the GRN of the concatenated features selects which features to propagate. (kinda like the sigmoid in an LSTM)
  • after the features have been selected, each of these outputs are fed into a LSTM layer so the model can pick up time-dependent features
  • static covariate encoder
    • As an example, taking ζ to be the output of the static variable selection network, contexts for temporal variable selection would be encoded according to = (ζ).
  • The attention mechanism is used to “learn long-term relationships across different time steps”


  • When designing this model, they placed the attention mechanism later in the network. The first “preprocessed” information with many different layers