• The goal of the triplet loss is to make sure that:
      1. Two examples with the same label have their embeddings close together in the embedding space
      1. Two examples with different labels have their embeddings far away.
  • To formalise this requirement, the loss will be defined overĀ tripletsĀ of embeddings:
    • anĀ anchor
    • aĀ positiveĀ of the same class as the anchor
    • aĀ negativeĀ of a different class
  • For some distance on the embedding spaceĀ d, the loss of a tripletĀ (a,p,n) is:
    • where margin is a value we choose that says: ā€œthe negative should be farther away than the positive by this marginā€
    • This loss pushes:
      • d(anchor, pos) to 0
      • d(anchor, neg)Ā to be greater thanĀ d(anchor, pos) + margin
  • hard negatives are examples that are closer to the anchor example than the positive example:
  • online mining: we have computed a batch ofĀ BĀ embeddings from a batch ofĀ B inputs. Now we want to generate triplets from theseĀ BĀ embeddings.
    • batch all: select all the valid triplets, and average the loss on the hard and semi-hard triplets.
      • a crucial point here is to not take into account the easy triplets (those with lossĀ 00), as averaging on them would make the overall loss very small
    • batch hard: for each anchor, select the hardest positive (biggest distanceĀ d(a,p)) and the hardest negative among the batch
      • works the best according to
      • implementation:
        • to get the hardest positive:
            1. generate the pairwise distance matrix between all examples in the batch
            1. take the maximum distance over each row
        • to get the hardest negative (tricky, since we need to get the minimum distance for each row, and the diagonal is 0)
          • solution, just add infinity to the diagonal before getting the smallest value in the matrix
        • now calculate: triplet_loss = max(hardest_positive_dist - hardest_negative_dist + margin, 0.0)