• https://wandb.ai/graph-neural-networks/spatial/reports/An-Introduction-to-Message-Passing-Graph-Neural-Networks—VmlldzoyMDI2NTg2

    • they are graph neural networks but you are aggregating the features from nearby nodes. that’s it!
  • How are MP-GNNs different from Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)

    • People refer to them as the same things.
      • This article does say that the difference is: message passing is a way to approximate graph convolutions.
        • Message passing is like taking into account the one-hop embeddings of your neighbouring nodes.
          • This is what one layer does in a GNN
        • if we stack n layers together, we’re doing message passing n times
          • this is approximating a graph convolution that takes in features from n hops away
          • an analogy: in image convolutions, a 3x3 kernel takes in features from yourself and your neighbours. but we can also use a 5x5 kernel, which takes in even more features from further
          • stacking more layers is like increasing your kernel size
  • main problems:

    • Since MPNNs are limited by problems of over-smoothing, over-squashing, and low expressivity against the WL test [1, 54], these layers could irreparably fail to keep some information in the early stage