link: range:


  • Recall that likelihood is “given data that I know, what is the likelihood it came from this distribution”
  • the goal of MLE is to plug in different distributions and find the params that fit the data’s distribution

How to find the MLE?

  • The way we’re taught in school
    1. Identify the type of distribution the data comes from (e.g. normal/geometric/binomial)
    2. Calculate the likelihood function for that distribution type
    3. set the derivative of the likelihood function, set it to 0, and solve for the parameters that maximizes the likelihood function
      • this is a standard grade 9 optimization problem
  • The way ppl do it IRL
    • We typically don’t know the distribution of the data we’re modelling over
    • So we try to minimize loss functions for our model instead.
      • if the mean squared error is low enough, then our model’s weights is good enough approximation of the MLE

Other notes:

  • There are an infinite number of distributions that can fit any data.
    • Why? Cause datapoints are noisy. We only see the sampled data, not where it came from
      • e.g. a student’s T distribution looks like a normal distribution
    • so there isn’t a single way that will always optimally get you a distribution