Problem Type: substring segmentation
Input: A tweet
- each tweet is classified as either neutral, positive, or negative
- I assume a human labels the sentiment
Output: the substring (selected_text column in train.csv) that determines the sentiment of the model
Eval Metric: jaccard similarity (aka Intersection Over Union) between your output and the selected_text column
Data quality issues:
- when humans tweet, they might add extra spaces:
- “is back home now gonna miss every one”
- so before they gave the tweets to the annotators, they remove consecutive spaces from the original tweet:
- since the label is retrieved on the original text, the dataset’s target labels are WRONG (if there were consecutive spaces before the labelled text)
- Note: this isn’t the only source of data quality issues. more cleaning was required
- “What about when the selected_text should be “happy” but we find” happy fo”? did you find an explanation for these examples?”
- ans: “no”
- “What about when the selected_text should be “happy” but we find” happy fo”? did you find an explanation for these examples?”
Important notebooks/discussions
(1st) No post processing needed - use a character-level model instead
- brief solution:
- notebook for training character models (magic - fixes offset):
- how they did the concatenation:
- heartkilla’s models
- custom labels: jaccard similarity (aka Intersection Over Union)-based Soft Labels custom loss
- why? Cause Cross Entropy doesn’t optimize Jaccard directly
- SoftIOU “soft intersection over union” didn’t help
- once he got his new soft labels, he was optimizing kldivergence
- his RoBERTa model’s goal is for each of the output tokens, output the probability that the token is the start_idx or the end_idx
- custom labels: jaccard similarity (aka Intersection Over Union)-based Soft Labels custom loss
- hikkii
- sanity check: Traverse the top 20 of start_index and end_index, ensure start_index < end_index
- cause the start_index and end_index are outputted
- sanity check: Traverse the top 20 of start_index and end_index, ensure start_index < end_index
- theo’s models
- clev’s models
- used label smoothing
- Multi Sample Dropout
- Discriminative learning
- I’m not sure what this is
- how did they fix the offset issue?
- rather than doing post-processing, they used a second layer model to predict the correct offsets (this is their magic)
- these are their character embedding models
- rather than doing post-processing, they used a second layer model to predict the correct offsets (this is their magic)
- pseudo-labeling
- brief solution:
(3rd) No postprocessing. Their models just learned the noise
- solution code:
- the main idea: “Basically you predict the start index, get the k hidden states at the top-k indices. for each hidden state, concat it to the end index logits and predict the corresponding top-k end indices.”
- thefuzz (prev fuzzywuzzy)
- I think he used it to fuzzy match the output substring with the actual text in the tweet in case the output wasn’t exactly the same as the tweet
- ok yeah, he just returns the substring that has the highest match with the generated output
- note the generated output is just a substring output (via indices, not GPT-like generation
- I think he used it to fuzzy match the output substring with the actual text in the tweet in case the output wasn’t exactly the same as the tweet
- “I used the fastai style freeze-unfreeze scheme since the head is quite complicated.”
- looking at their code:
- position_outputs[idx,:] = [start_idx + len(input_ids_0) + 2, end_idx + len(input_ids_0) + 2]
(4th) alternative targets (auxiliary objective) to improve predicting the start and end tokens
- he also has 4 model heads alternative targets (auxiliary objective):
- QA dense head (just a linear layer without any dropout) for predicting start and end tokens
- for each token in the output, predict if it’s the start token, or if it’s the end token
- “Loss is computed with KLDivergenceLoss to add label smoothing“:
- “true target token is given 0.9 probability and two of its neighbors (left and right) both take 0.05”
- I think they’re saying that kldivergence basically adds label smoothing
- Linear layer to predict binary target for each token: if it should be in selected text or not.
- very similar to 1) but now, every token in the answer is given a probability of 1
- linear layer to predict a sentiment of each token.
- Two linear layers with ReLU in between to predict the sentiment of the whole tweet.
Inference phase
- derive results from logits
- Using 1st model head (the one that predicts the probability of each token being a start OR end token)
- they took the logits (i.e. the signal right before it’s squashed between 0-1 via a sigmoid)
- and summed up all n choose 2 logit values
- then they just selected the top 3 of these three values to get the top position pairs
- these pairs are the most likely spots of being the start and end indexes!
- Using 1st model head (the one that predicts the probability of each token being a start OR end token)
- derive results from logits
- he also has 4 model heads alternative targets (auxiliary objective):
- nobody used a regression strategy to predict the start/end indices
- they don’t “use bert to output 2 integers from 1 to n representing the start and end idx of the substring”
- for each token in the input, your model predicts the probability that it’s in the tweet substring or not
- so if there’s n tokens as the input, the output is dimension n
- you can take the logits of the final layer and do things with it… TODO fully understand