• A hard negative is an example that is falsely and confidently classified as positive by a model https://paperswithcode.com/method/ohem
  • Some object detection datasets contain an overwhelming number of easy examples and a small number of hard examples.
  • OHEM selects these hard examples automatically to improve training.
  • It is a bootstrapping technique that modifies SGD to sample from examples in a non-uniform way depending on the current loss of each example under consideration.
  • To do hard negative mining during training (making it online), the algorithm identifies examples that are past the margin of the model’s boundary, meaning: it’ll feed in examples that the model will classify wrong (so the model tries to use it to improve)
  • implementation details the paper suggests:
      1. modify the loss layers to only backpropagate gradients for the global hard examples in the dataset
      • but this is inefficient, cause backpropagation already fixes hard examples for us. there’s no point in first figuring out the global hard examples then ONLY backpropagating these specific examples
      1. use a secondary model that is readonly (so we only allocate memory for hte forward pass, and not the backward pass)
    • OK these implementations suck. I think the best way is to just modify the loss function so that if the example is a hard negative example, we multiply the loss by a constant