Stochastic Weights Averaging - Saves the best n epochs states and then averages them in final model.


  • from numba inport jit
    • @jit(nopython=True)
  • using cupy as a near drop-in replacement for numpy (to do ops with GPU)
    • you need to wrangle with cp.cuda.MemoryPool()

Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)

Project / model management:

    • ” About 2 years ago I spent a couple of evenings to create a very tiny python library called mag that addressed the problem of machine learning experiment management. Since then, I used it in every single competition including this one. This really helped our team to don’t lose track of all the models we trained for these two weeks. I hope some of you might find it useful too.”
  • ppl on kaggle aren’t talking about DVC
    • prob cause they keep on changing their feature engineering, and it’s a static dataset
    • I think it would be very useful for hyperparm tuning, but it’s prob not a bottleneck for most ppl