
Problem Type: learning to rank

Input: Each row contains a question, and the answer to it (on a Q&A site)

  • Note: multiple rows can come from the same question, we group by question_body
    • but they are in different rows since there were more than one answer to the question


  • for each questionId, generate it’s ordering (so we can sort and use column-wise Spearman’s correlation Coefficient later)
  • Note: even though a question may have multiple answers, we don’t care. we are just ordering each unique questionId.

Eval Metric: column-wise Spearman’s correlation Coefficient

  • The goal is to see how well your model can rank Q&A forum posts based on these target columns:
    • question_well_written
    • answer_helpful
    • answer_relevance
    • answer_type_reason_explanation
    • etc.
  • there are 30 target columns
    • each target column is a value from [0,1]
    • for each column:
      • kaggle sorts your predictions (decreasing yhat)
        • the yhat you predict is just used to sort all the test rows
      • we now have an ordered array of [questionId, rank]
        • the rank is just used to sort all the questionIds
      • we now run spearman’s correlation of this array AGAINST kaggle’s ordering of this array
    • since there are 30 columns, kaggle does it 30 times^
    • The final score is the average of all 30 of these spearman correlations
  • A common approach was to treat it as a binary classification problem, cause the better you can predict each row’s score, the more accurate it’s rank will be
    • these target variables can have duplicate values (since they were evaluated against a rubric, not against each other)
    • many of these targets only had 4 distinct values
      • 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1
    • so ppl in the competition talked about ”thresholding” their predictions (and treating it as a classification problem, rather than a regression or even a ranking problem)
    • why does making it discrete matter? doesn’t Spearman’s correlation Coefficient only care about rank?
      • no. cause spearman correlation IS DIFFERENT if two items have have same score vs if one is a bit higher than other


    • so the solutions are very high quality

Important notebooks/discussions


  • (1st) postprocess to match target distribution, use intermediate layer results (weighted)

      • solution code:
      • use intermediate layer results (weighted)
      • Using CLS outputs from all BERT layers rather than using only the last one. We did this by using a weighted sum of these outputs, where the weights were learnable and constrained to be positive and sum to 1
      • postprocess to match target distribution
          • code
            	def postprocess_single(target, ref):
                The idea here is to make the distribution of a particular predicted column
                to match the correspoding distribution of the corresponding column in the
                training dataset (called ref here)
                ids = np.argsort(target)
                counts = sorted(Counter(ref).items(), key=lambda s: s[0])
                scores = np.zeros_like(target)
                last_pos = 0
                v = 0
                for value, count in counts:
                    next_pos = last_pos + int(round(count / len(ref) * len(target)))
                    if next_pos == last_pos:
                        next_pos += 1
                    cond = ids[last_pos:next_pos]
                    scores[cond] = v
                    last_pos = next_pos
                    v += 1
                return scores / scores.max()
      • some grandmasters are talking in the comments:
      • they didn’t use thresholding, instead they placed each prediction into buckets (to generate the final result? not sure)
        • “But the threshold does a very similar thing. I actually tried both approaches on a very robust CV setup and fitting to distribution was always way worse for us. This was also confirmed when using rank-based approaches which inherenctly care more about the distribution.”
        • “ANyway, binning and thresholding are quite similar”
    • “Well, there is some post-processing. But tuning thresholds for each target was clearly seen as a straight way to overfitting, especially with 30 targets and so small public test size.”
    • “This model is initialized with original BERT weights, then finetuning with SX data, finally reusing the checkpoint in our pipeline. A subtle intermediate step was to delete classifier weights and biases from the SX checkpoint, because we had to switch from 6 SX targets to 30.”
      • not sure if this is a trick or not. prob not
  • (2nd) - Very robust CV. Very nicely formatted target


    • Modifying the metric

      • Given the metric is rank-based, and given targets are not binary, it seemed important to be able to predict values that are neither 0 or 1 correctly.
        • they tried to use one-hot encoding of the targets (since some targets had a small number of distinct values)
          • For example: the “answer_type_procedure” column only had this as targets:
            • 0.000000, 0.333333, 0.666667, 1
            • more than one row can have these targets (cause it was graded via a rubric, not relatively between rows)
          • However, it didn’t work, cause one-hot encoding destroys the ordering of targets
      • The metric they settled on:
    • Cross validation

      • using ONLY GroupKFold (where the examples are grouped by question body) didn’t work
          1. “Test data is different to training data in the sense that it only has one question-answer pair sampled out of a group of questions in train data. There can be stark noise for labels of the same question, which is why this needs to be addressed robustly.”
          • I don’t 100% know what this means
          1. cause there are a few columns with very rare events and also a lot of noise within those rare events
      • their CV solution:
          1. in each validation fold, first groupby question_body
          • out of all your unique question_body, randomly pick 100 of them
            • and ONLY PICK ONE ANSWER to validate against
          1. your model now has 100 predictions
          1. Calculate the median score across these 100 samples and report.
          • how is this score calculated? you can’t use spearman with one value
          • maybe they just look at MAELoss between the yhat and y for that one row
        • Ignore spelling column (labels weren’t very precise). drop bad targets from CV
        • Final CV is a mean of 5 folds.
    • post processing

      • clip outputs to be within range if their final predictions are x=[0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04] and our optimal thresholds are coefs=[0.016, 0.029]
        • then we would clip the data with np.clip(x, coefs[0], coefs[1])
        • leading to x=[0.016, 0.016, 0.02, 0.029, 0.029] effectively generating ties at the edges.
      • how did they figure out good clips?
        • Sample 1000 times single question-answer pairs from multiple questions
        • Generate thresholds that optimize the median score of all 1000 samples
    • Training models

      • used differential learning rate
      • All “normal” tricks that worked in past computer vision or other NLP competitions (e.g. concat of Max and Mean pooling) did not improve cv. Also using a sliding window approach to capture more text did not work.
        • they tried sliding window probably because transformers at the time had limited context, you had to remove the middle and keep the ends
      • saw a big jump when they tried to freeze the transformers and only train the model head for 1 epoch, before fine-tuning
        • isn’t fine-tuning just more training?
          • ahhh, by fine-tuning they probably just stop freezing the transformers
      • We further improved than this 2 step approach by using different learning rates for transformer and head, together with a warm up schedule, which enabled us to get rid of the freezing step in general.
      • use intermediate layer results (weighted)
      • their “siamese model”
        • normally, siamese is used to determine if two ppl’s faces look similar for facial recognition
        • but they say “siamese model” just because they are referencing: “feed question and answer twice through the same transformer”
        • then they take the final embeddings and concatenate the featrues before feeding it into a dense layer with 30 “target” values
          • target is in ""s cause: “(For the sake of simplicity we show the architecture for the original 30 targets. It was adapted to work with the binarized targets.)”
